OPEN LETTER: 2024 Democratic LYH City Council Candidates Issue Statement in Support of Queer Town Hall (QTH)

Last week, in the aftermath of the City’s decision to cancel the International Festival, Lynchburg Councilman Martin Misjuns issued a public statement. In that statement, he claimed that local groups intended to disrupt the event and specifically named LYH Queer Town Hall and one of its members as “radical extremists.” That accusation is patently untrue, and utter nonsense. The cancellation of the international festival is a significant loss, especially for our immigrant and BIPOC neighbors. 

Queer Town Hall is an asset to our community. Their members are active participants in civic and political advocacy, frequently speaking at School Board meetings and City Council meetings. They provide a safe and welcoming environment for our LGBTQ+ community. They consistently show up to push for more inclusion and more social justice. We are lucky to have Queer Town Hall in Lynchburg. 

Councilman Misjuns’ statement is full of truly outrageous homophobic and Islamophobic claims; it would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. In addition to condemning his statement, we affirmatively declare:

  1. It is completely inappropriate for public leaders to use their platforms to bully and harass individuals and organizations, for any reason.

  2. People have the right to fully participate in our community, without the threat of intimidation based on their race, their religion, their nationality, or who they love. 

  3. Lynchburg residents have a right to peacefully participate in city events without being labeled extremists or disruptors.

  4. We are a better community when we embrace and celebrate our differences. Our LGBTQ+ neighbors should feel safe and welcome here.

Public leaders have a responsibility to lead with civility: hate speech has no place here. Lynchburg, we deserve better. Let us commit, as individuals and as a community, to speak with boldness, whenever and wherever we see efforts to marginalize and threaten our neighbors. 

We invite individuals and organizations to join us in signing on to this statement. (scroll to bottom of page)

Randy Smith, Ward 1
Dr. Sterling Wilder, Ward 2
Dr. James Coleman, Ward 3
April Watson, Ward 4

Add your name below in support of LYH Queer Town Hall

Messages Of Support from the Community

“Queer Town Hall has brought nothing but good, inclusive, knowledgeable awareness, events, and love to our community. Condemnation of this group is unacceptable.”

“Our congregation stands with you on the side of love and pledges to fight alongside side you until love finally wins!”

“Keep up the good work. Lynchburg needs groups like yours.”

“I’m a local progressive pastor. We stand with you!”

“I am happy to join our four Democratic candidates for City Council in supporting QTH and all of our neighbors to fully participate in city events.”

“We stand with you. LYH is better together, and divisiveness and hate have no place in our city. You know what does have a place in our city? Queer Town Hall. :)”

“Lynchburg is better with you in it.”

“Lynchburg is better because of our love and diversity, not in spite of it. Thank you, for standing for justice in our town.”

“We are with you 100 percent!”

“Lynchburg is better because you are here”

“Whatever happens, we’ve got your backs!!”

“Love Queer Town Hall!”

“Love that QTH is in our community! Glad for your willingness to speak out!”

“Thanks for your work to make Lynchburg a more welcoming place!”

“I fully support LYH Queer Town Hall and all LGBTQ individuals.”

“I support Queer Town Hall!!!”

“Love unites and strengthens; hatred divides and weakens. Thank you for what you do to enlighten our community.”

Endorsing Individuals and Organizations

A.J. Eccles

Allegra Helms

Amanda Smithson

Alyxandria Bronson

Alyssa Haydon

Amy Clemons

Amy R. Cohen

Amy Morris

Amy Spangler-Dunning

Anghaarad Teague Dees

AR Vaughan

Barb Baker

Barb Sydnor

Baylee Leazer

Berkley Holston

Beth Barbolla

Beth Schubert

Bethany Federico

Bethany Walker

Betsy Hovda

Beverly Adams

Bill Bodine

Bill Bohn

Billy Morris

Bunny Goodjohn

Carly Sheaffer

Carter Hailey

Camm Knight

Carolyn Bell

Carolyn Vaughan

Casey Eccles

Catherine Bates

Chantal OKeeffe

Charles Mann

Cheryl Carter

Cheryl Evans

Cristina Hayden

Christine Terry

Cindy Ferguson

Connor Kenaston

Courtney Alford

Crystal Howell

Cynthia Seng

Dan Harrison

Dave Poole

Deirdra Flavin

Denise Tuttle

Dori Baker

Elizabeth Jenkins

Ellen Nygaard

Emily Crowder

Emily Worsham

Erin Elwell

Erin Friedman

Evan Logue

Ferrell Nexsen

Gail Goldsmith

Gary Sullivan

Gina Dolan-Sewell

Gordon Barnes

Heather Quintero

Heidi Koring

Hillary Neighbors

Jack Thomas

Jack Underwood

James Bonner

James Tracey

James W. Wright

Jan Dunning Willinger

Jana Fedele

Jane Ruehle

Janelle Hendrickson

Jarrett Banks

Jeffery Schneider

Jeffrey Wooters

Jennifer Staton

Jennifer Williams

Jennifer Woofter

Jeremiah Forshey

Jessica Anders

Jessica Wise

JoAnn Martin

Jody VanTassell

Joe Cailles

Joe Crosby

John Lawrence

Johnny Loughridge

Jon Roark

Joy Shaughnessy

Justine Button

Kappa Peddy

Karin Truitte

Kasey Forehand

Kate Albert

Kathleen Davis

Kathleen Olinger

Kathy Gerber

Kathryn Kirkpatrick

Katie Yergler

Kelsey Molseed

Ken Parks

Ken West

Kennon White

Kimberly Morey

Kitty Hahn-Campanella

Kristen ONeill

Kristen Prosen

Lanaux Hailey

Laura Watson

Lauren Alexander

Lauren Rosenau

Lauren Traphagen

Libby Fitzgerald

Lincoln Baker

Linda Jones

Linda Poore

Lisa Coleman

Lisa Pierce

Lisa Taylor

Liz Esbenshade

Logan Anderson

Maggie Millard

Mara Amster

Margaret Vaughn

Maria Niechwiadowicz

Maria Roberts

Marina Pillow

Marshall Wood

Martha Hicks

Martha Kearse

Mary Catherine Garrison

Mary DiSanto

Maryann Novi

Megan Huffman

Melinda Mead

Melissa Baugher

Merry DeCarmo

Michael Friedman

Michele Bauman

Michele Morgan

Michelline Hall

Misty Vinson-Spitzer

Molly Boggs

Nan Dugger

Rev. Dr. Nathan Albert

Neal Sumerlin

Nichole Sanders

Nicki Baugher

Niro Rasanayagam

Pamela Winegard

Pat Young

Peggy Andrews

Penny Millson-Martula

Polly King

Rachel Gagen

Rachel Sledge

Rachael Smith

Rebecca Frye

Rebecca Kilby

Rebecca Spendlove

Rebecca Walker

Ricardo Muñoz-Morales-Torrez

River Segel

Rox Cruz

Ruth Dueñez-Harrison

Sandra Knodel

Sara Beck

Sarah Bonner

Sarah Crosby

Sarah Johnson

Skylar Hansen

Stephanie Cox

Stephen Johnson

Steve Semock

SuEllen Regonini

Sumner Jenkins

Susan Stengel

Talia Ramos

Tasha Gillum

Tehya Logue

Teresa Brennan

Theresa Baker

Toby Braden Johnson

Rev. Terre Balof

Van Hoffman

Vic Sizemore

Victor Millner

Walter Smith

Rev. William Spangler-Dunning

Whitney Hoy


PRESS RELEASE: Lynchburg Democrats for City Council Announce Campaign Launch


PRESS RELEASE: Four Candidates Secure Democratic Nomination For Lynchburg City Council